I’ve been interested in photography for years and when I started my blog, I actively started trying to take better photographs. My desire to improve my photography skills led me to take part in the 30-day photo challenge I saw on Shelly’s blog .
Although it was inconvenient sometimes, I loved taking the pictures for the challenge and didn’t miss a single day. Here are a few of the things I learned from the 30-day challenge:
- You learn or rather, I learn even when I don’t know I’m learning. I love looking at the pictures on Nubby’s and Moorea’s blogs and I realised when taking some of my photos that I was trying to get the effects I see used in some of their photos.
- Inspiration is everywhere. On my own, I don’t think I would have come up with such varied themes for each day of the challenge. The challenge made me look for new ways of showing mundane things like my laptop pouch or a biscuit wrapper.
- I want to learn more technical stuff about photography.
- I need to find a way to get the Nikon D5000 which is the camera of my dreams at the moment.
- A tripod would be nice to have for taking pictures in low light and in other cases where simply breathing seems to make the picture turn out blurred. This tripod is funky and inexpensive and is what I have my eye on right now.
- I learned how to use Photoshop a bit more. I’m no whiz at it but the basic skills I now have seem to impress people. Weird.
- I love photography even more than before,
Are you going to try your own 30-day photo challenge? Or a 30-day challenge in something else? Tell us in the comments!
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Photograph by me! 🙂