When it comes to looking good while travelling, Victoria Beckham gets first prize. Pictures of her at airports often show her looking immaculate in designer clothes and always, always in high heels. In interviews, she has revealed that she changes into pyjamas once she gets on the plane though. We may not have Victoria’s millions but for those of us who have to lug our own suitcases, stand in long queues and squeeze into Economy, there are ways to look good when travelling.
For me, the first step in looking good when going on a trip is being comfortable which for me means jeans. I love high heels as much as the next girl but I’m no Victoria Beckham so I give them a miss when going on a trip.
I always wear makeup when I travel. Nothing over-the-top yet the no-makeup makeup look I tend to favour involves foundation, translucent powder, black eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, lipstick and lipgloss. Also, I am never without lip balm for those times when I just can’t be bothered with the lipstick-lipgloss drama. I like having hand-cream on me too because sometimes, you suddenly notice that your hands and feet have gone white and that is never a good look.
I don’t have an especially long beauty routine or carry around that many beauty products when travelling but I find that what I do use makes me feel just a little perkier when I arrive at my destination, ready to have fun.
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