Nail art: 2014 Nigerian independence nails

independence nail art 2014

Nigeria’s independence day is October 1st.  Last year, I did some independence-themed nail art and enjoyed doing it so much, I decided to create Nigerian independence nail art again this year.

The funny thing is that green is one of my least favourite colours but it is also Nigeria’s main colour so I had no choice but to work with it.  The good thing is that having to use a colour I’m not crazy about forces me to think up fun ways of working with it.  This year, I went with creating gradient nail art and adding a touch of bling to the look with green rhinestones.  Another independence-themed nail art look sorted.  I hope you had fun yesterday!

In Lagos and want nail art done?  Let me know.  To get nail art done on natural or artificial nails, send an email to lape(at)lapesoetan(dot)com