How to know if a guy is serious about you

how to know if a guy is serious about you

When it comes to relationships, we seem to be obsessed with being sure about things.  We want to be sure that the other person loves us, we want to be sure that they will never leave us, we want to be sure they will do what they say they will do and so on.


We want all these things even though we aren’t sure whether we can offer those things ourselves.  How many times have you promised someone you would call and then not done so?  How many people have you told you loved then left?  How often do you say one thing then do the exact opposite?  Let’s make things easier for everyone and stop demanding something that is close to impossible.


Despite all I’ve just said, today, I’m going to give 3 tips that are a big sign that a guy is serious about you.  Remember, his being serious about you now does not mean he will be serious about you in 2 years’ time and his being serious about you does NOT mean he WILL marry you.  Nothing is guaranteed in life.  Now, that that caveat is in place, let’s get into the main gist of this video.


Watch the video here or by clicking on the image below.

how to know if a guy is serious about you YOUTUBE

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