Honeymoon Holiday: Awoyo Osiegbu

Honeymoon holiday is a regular feature on my blog.  It’s an interview-style feature where different people tell us about their honeymoon holidays.  Enjoy it.

 Awoyo and Charles on their honeymoon.

1.  When did you go on your honeymoon?           

July 2008

 2.  Where did you go on your honeymoon?           

My husband and I went on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean: Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos and the Bahamas.


 The couple had a winning time on their honeymoon.

3.  What did you like most about your honeymoon location?

I liked that it was a cruise and we were able to go to the different ports and explore the islands.

 4.        What was your least favourite thing about your honeymoon holiday?

No internet? Well I should rephrase that internet on a cruise ship is expensive so we were just together with no outside contact. But I guess that’s not necessarily bad on a honey moon 😉

 Charles and Awoyo aboard the cruise ship, Carnival Imagination.

5.  If you were going on honeymoon again today, where would you go and why?

Hmm… tough one. Europe somewhere.  Paris, Rome, Greece or somewhere like that.            



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