Christmas in Dubai: Brunch at Burj Al Arab

The view from Al Muntaha restaurant on the 27th floor of the Burj Al Arab One of the most famous landmarks in Dubai is the Burj Al Arab, often described as the world’s only 7-star hotel.  Apparently, there isn’t really anything like a 7-star hotel, the ratings only go up to 5 but somehow, Burj…

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How to spend Christmas away from family

Christmas is traditionally the time to spend with family.  It’s therefore no surprise that some people find it a depressing time.  Spending Christmas with family can mean lots of housework, lots of fake smiles and lots of time spent wishing you were somewhere else.  And that’s for people who even have family to share it…

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Nail art: 2014 Nigerian independence nails

Nigeria’s independence day is October 1st.  Last year, I did some independence-themed nail art and enjoyed doing it so much, I decided to create Nigerian independence nail art again this year. The funny thing is that green is one of my least favourite colours but it is also Nigeria’s main colour so I had no…

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