Picture of the month: Malaga

malaga picture of the month

Many years ago, I met someone who said he had spent his honeymoon in Malaga, Spain.  I was entranced.  At the time, very few Nigerians I knew actually went on honeymoon so spending it somewhere exotic like Malaga was practically unheard of.  Today, of course, Nigerians honeymoon all over the world.  Honeymoons are still not that popular but I’ve met Nigerians who have had their honeymoon in Dubai, the Maldives and the Caribbean.

Sadly, I hadn’t started my blog when I met the guy who had his honeymoon in Malaga and I am yet to meet anyone else who has had their honeymoon there, so if you have done so or simply been there on holiday, do let me know.

Malaga does look like a wonderful place to honeymoon.  It has got ancient ruins to marvel at, the Picasso museum to explore, and beautiful beaches on which one can relax and daydream.  It looks like a dream honeymoon spot.  Don’t you agree?


For more honeymoon ideas, click here.


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