‘Round the world ticket (September 2011)


Round the World Ticket is a regular feature on this blog.  It is a collection of links to articles and posts I found interesting on the internet.  I hope you enjoy it.

 I love this great post on beating ‘Is this it? blues’ by Sarah.  It appeared as a guest post on Moorea Seal’s blog.  Go check it out!

I dislike unruly children and parents who think it is okay for their kids to behave that way in public but Mandy says this even better.

I loved reading Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha and so I found this video of a day in the life of a Geisha fascinating.

Stephanie Quillao asks (and answers) this great question on her blog: Would the kid you once were be inspired by the adult you’ve become?


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Photograph by Norman B.  Leventhal Map Center at the BPL