‘Round the world ticket (September 2015)

Here are links to some great stuff for you to read on the internet. How to find the cheapest flights. New to the working world?  Here’s how to get that first promotion. 11 secrets of irresistible people. It’s not just you.  No one has it all figured out. 5 ways to stay motivated.   Photograph

‘Round the world ticket (August 2015)

5 actions that will make you the most-liked person at work. The ultimate life tip 😉  How to walk in heels without pain and without falling over.  I just had to share this cute love story with you.  Don’t worry, it’s short 🙂 An interview with Alexandra Shulman, the reclusive (I think) editor-in-chief of British…

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‘Round the World Ticket (July 2015)

9 things that happen when you travel solo. Interesting.  This article shows that a simple formula proves that both men AND women have been lying about the number of sex partners they’ve had. I really like Angelina Jolie and love her relationship with Brad Pitt.  This article on how couples can work well together just…

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‘Round the world ticket (June 2015)

Here are links to some great stuff for you to read and watch on the internet. How Chrome won the war of the browsers 50 reasons to love the world. 35 fabulous off-the-beaten-track destinations Uplifting reminder article:  there are many paths to the same destination. Funny/interesting/odd things NOT to do in different parts of the…

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‘Round the world ticket (May 2015)

Strange questions people have asked travel agents.  Some of these show a disturbing lack of knowledge about geography. Which Caribbean island is best for you? (with pictures to help you decide 🙂 ) Here’s something you don’t read often: an entrepreneur on why he quit his own business to work for someone else. For those…

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The trip I will always remember

Ganvie, the village on the water.  One of the places that fascinated me on this memorable trip. There are some experiences that stay with you.  For me, one of those was my first trip out of Lagos without my parents.  It happened when I was about 15 and in secondary school.  The school organised a…

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