I had a great time on holiday in Calabar. Here are some pictures from that trip. I split the pictures from the trip into two posts so you don’t get photo-overload 🙂 You can see the second part here.
This sculpture of hands is at the park near the Calabar Museum and is associated with Calabar.
Darey performing at the Calabar International Jazz Festival that held in March 2013.
Bez also performed at the Calabar International Jazz Festival.
Aerial view of the Calabar River.
The Calabar Calabar roundabout in, you guessed it, Calabar 🙂
This lovely building is the old administrative block of the Cross River State House of Assembly. Apparently, it was built by the British during the colonial era.
People often come to sit, eat and relax at the Marina Resort.
To see behind-the-scenes pictures from my Calabar trip, follow me on Instagram.
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